
Numsense! Data Science for the Layman: No Math Added, Language ‏English 145 pages

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About the Author

Annalyn Ng graduated from the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), where she also was an undergraduate statistics tutor. She then completed her MPhil degree with the University of Cambridge Psychometrics Centre, where she mined social media data for targeted advertising and programmed cognitive tests for job recruitment. Disney Research later roped her into their behavioral sciences team, where she examined psychological profiles of consumers.

Kenneth Soo is due to complete his MS degree in Statistics at Stanford University by mid-2017. He was the top student for all three years of his undergraduate class in Mathematics, Operational Research, Statistics and Economics (MORSE) at the University of Warwick, where he was also a research assistant with the Operational Research & Management Sciences Group, working on bi-objective robust optimization with applications in networks subject to random failures.


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